Frozen Computers

The computer that I was using to work on the database is frozen, and there isn’t much other work to be done at the moment, so I’m just going to pass the time by blogging until the computer decides to fix itself.

Yesterday, at 5:30PM, I went to the usual Mon./Wed./Sat. one-hour zumba session at Thornhill Primary School. As usual, it’s a great workout and a lot of fun! The Batswana that attend the session are all very gregarious and enthusiastic, and sing aloud with the lyrics and scream with excitement to express how tired they are. Afterwards, I made a Greek salad with slices of pear for dinner.

This morning, I compiled the data for the Rice “recurrence study” into a spreadsheet. Half of the data to be compiled was regarding the patient demographics: marital status, education level, income level, number of pregnancies, number of sexual partners, history of smoking, history of STIs, etc… It was incredibly interesting going through the files. There is so much data here — so much material for research! I wish I had time to actually go through the whole IRB process and everything to officially conduct a study. I’m sure there are quite few interesting facts to dig out.

Also, this morning, I received official permission in reply to Mma Monare’s letter to observe in the Paediatrics and Emergency wards next week. I’m excited!